Eating disorders are the #1 leading cause of death from mental illness in the United States. Yet, many do not consider “problems with food” to be mental illness. It’s true, not everyone who struggles with eating too much or too little has a mental illness. But, for those who do, the struggle is fixed firmly in torturous critical thoughts which require obedience and compliance.

Being preoccupied with thoughts about food or body image is no picnic! It can be a great barrier to living a fulfilling life and succeeding academically or career-wise.

I teach and reinforce Intuitive Eating in order to help sufferers return to a life worth living absent the preoccupation with food and body image. If safety concerns arise, safety always takes first priority. Once safety is no longer the primary problem, and for those who do not have safety risks, DBT and EMDR can be very effective for healing from eating disorders.